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The memorial is open all 365 days a year 10 am - sundown. We are located at 1933-1945 Meridian Avenue in Miami Beach, Florida
Sponsored in part by:
The State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs and the Florida Council on Arts and Culture, The Heckscher Foundation for Children, and the Friends of the March of the Living Miami, Florida

With special thanks to:
Andrew C. Hall, Esq., Chair, Holocaust Memorial Miami Beach, A Committee of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation
Sharon Horowitz, Executive Director, Holocaust Memorial Miami Beach, A Committee of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation
Carol Brick-Turn, Director, Jewish Community Relations Council, Greater Miami Jewish Federation
Jacob Solomon, President and CEO, Greater Miami Jewish Federation
Bonnie Reiter-Lehrer, Chief Communications and Marketing Officer, Greater Miami Jewish Federation
Tiffany Glick, Communications Associate, Greater Miami Jewish Federation
Dr. Michael Berenbaum, CEO, The Berenbaum Group
Media produced by Winikur Productions
Application Design and Development produced by Guideone Mobile
Archival Footage appears courtesy of:
Auschwitz-Birkenau w Oswiecimiu
Austrian National Library
Bildarchiv Preussischer
Bundesarchiv, Filmarchiv, Berlin / Transit Film GmbH
Carl Henry Levy / Courtesy U Mass Amherst Special Collections
Friends of the March of the Living, Miami, Florida
Instytut Pamieci Narodowej
Kulturbesitz Panstwowe Muzeum
Leo Baeck Institute
Lynn and Louis Wolfson II Florida Moving Image Archives
Marie Hammerling, Orlando, Florida
Memorijalni muzej Jasenovac
Muzej Revolucije Narodnosti Jugoslavije Memorijalni muzej Jasenovac
National Archives and Records Administration, College Park
Panstwowe Muzeum
Prelinger Archive
Steven Spielberg Film and Video Archive, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM)
Streamline Films
The Ghetto Fighters’ House Museum, Israel/ The photo archive
The Library of Congress
The National Center for Jewish Film, at Brandeis University
The Shtetl Foundation, courtesy of Yaffa Eliach
The University of Southern California Shoah Foundation
USHMM, courtesy of Arnold Bauer Barach
USHMM, courtesy of Bernard Lefkowitz Irving and Lita Berk
USHMM, courtesy of Dan Lenchner
USHMM, courtesy of David Goldschild
USHMM, courtesy of Dr. Alexander and Emilia Sedlis
USHMM, courtesy of Dr. Mark Wolraich
USHMM, courtesy of Dr. Vera Lechtman
USHMM, courtesy of George Kadish/Zvi Kadushin
USHMM, courtesy of Henry Landman
USHMM, courtesy of Hilary Dalton
USHMM, courtesy of Israel Joe Sachs
USHMM, courtesy of Jacob G. Wiener
USHMM, courtesy of Leah Lahav
USHMM, courtesy of Leopold Page Photographic Collection
USHMM, courtesy of Mitchell Eisen
USHMM, courtesy of Moshe Zilbar
USHMM, courtesy of Nava Schreiber
USHMM, courtesy of Philip Drell
USHMM, courtesy of Rafael Scharf
USHMM, courtesy of Robert A. Schmuhl
USHMM, courtesy of Roger Reed
USHMM, courtesy of Ruth Schwarzhaupt
USHMM, courtesy of Sidney Mermelstein
USHMM, courtesy of Virginius Dabney
USHMM, courtesy of Werner Goldsmith
USHMM, gift of Julien Bryan Archive
USHMM, gift of Robert F. Kan and Betsy Klein
Yad Vashem Photo Archives
YIVO Institute for Jewish Research