
Alexandra Abal Blog Entry MB Holocaust Memorial

Posted on 01/25/2015 @ 10:35 PM

On January 12, 2015, Mr. Reese’s English Honors 1 Class of Miami Beach Senior High school (myself included) visited this Holocaust Memorial located in Miami Beach. The experience was breathtaking: symbolism surrounded the entire memorial, starting from the kind of flowers planted. The plant was filled with thousands of white flowers, representing the ones that died in the Holocaust. Then, pink flowers would rarely appear in the plant, representing the survivors. This memorial honors the victims of this catastrophic genocide beautifully by carving in their names on the many black walls that surround the memorial. Plaques contain history of the Holocaust accompanied by pictures of the event to provide the visitor with some more knowledge.

This monument should provide the visitors from all parts of the globe a time of reflection, to think about the massive genocide that took place in Europe. This monument also provides the guest with music, gardening and architecture to transform the setting of Miami Beach into Europe, 1940. This memorial accomplishes an educational environment for the guests, a peaceful place to reflect on this horrendous genocide as well as a small peak into the past.