Memorial Programs

Yad Vashem Educational Initiative
The Holocaust Memorial Institute at Yad Vashem, located in Jerusalem, is a unique and ongoing partnership between the Holocaust Memorial Miami Beach, a Committee of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation and Yad Vashem’s International School for Holocaust Studies.
The annual program, made possible through grants from Yad Vashem and the Holocaust Memorial Miami Beach, brings 10 educators from South Florida Jewish institutions to Jerusalem for 10 days. There, they study with internationally respected Holocaust educators at the Museum, Israel’s official memorial to the Jewish martyrs of the Holocaust. With access to the vast resources available at Yad Vashem, teachers are able to explore the many insights and historical facts of this traumatic era in world history, preparing them to impart the lessons of the Holocaust to their students. In addition, the participation of educators from other communities provides an opportunity for Miami teachers to share ideas and information with their peers and explore best practices for teaching the Holocaust.
Upon returning to Miami, participants complete one educational project for Yad Vashem and one for the Memorial; meet twice as a group; bring their classes to the Memorial and meet with a Holocaust survivor living in South Florida.
Since the inception of the program at Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Memorial Miami Beach has sponsored more teacher-participants than any other community in the United States.
If you would like to join the waiting list for the Holocaust Memorial Institute at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem, please email Sheri Zvi at
Only teachers from Jewish institutions may apply to attend the Institute, and grants are limited. Teachers of students in grades six through 12 will receive priority. Cost is approximately $500 and includes airfare (participants arrange their own air travel, with a $1,000 stipend given upon completion of the program), hotel (double occupancy), three meals daily, transportation to Yad Vashem daily and conference fees. It does not include round-trip transportation from Ben-Gurion Airport to Jerusalem and any personal expenses.
Click here to read about the 2013 Holocaust Memorial Institute at Yad Vashem on
For more information and to register, please contact Sheri Zvi, Holocaust Memorial Executive Director, at 305.538.1663 or

Young Lion of Judah Program
Presented in partnership with the Jewish Volunteer Center of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation, The Young Lion of Judah Program pairs 25 B’nai Mitzvah students and their parents with 25 Holocaust survivors. Together, they spend three months exploring lessons of the Holocaust and how this tragic historic event relates to their lives today.
Through one-on-one meetings, visits and beautification projects at the Holocaust Memorial, the students add a deeper component to their Bar or Bat Mitzvah preparation. It is also hoped that participating students and survivors cultivate relationships that last well beyond the program.
In recognition of participation, each male student receives a silver tallit clip at a party held in their honor; girls receive a silver bracelet.
For more information on the Young Lion of Judah Program, contact the Jewish Volunteer Center at or 786.866.8410, or the Holocaust Memorial at 305.538.1663.

Zachor Society
The Zachor Society is a donor-recognition program that supports the preservation and educational activities of the Holocaust Memorial of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation. The Hebrew word zachor literally means “remember,” a term appropriate for an exclusive organization dedicated to eternal commemoration of the Shoah.
The vision of the Zachor Society is to preserve the Holocaust Memorial as an awe-inspiring public monument, while extending Holocaust education to children and adults throughout the community. The tax-deductible contributions of Zachor Society members demonstrate the power of philanthropy to promote social conscience and awaken the spirit of humanity.